Content marketing is key driver of purpose-driven brands, says Nalini Malhotra of GAIL India

A public sector unit, GAIL has been strongly driving its initiative ‘Hawa Badlo' through content for three years now. Recently, it launched a web series, ‘Hawa Badle Hassu'. BuzzInContent caught up with Malhotra, Chief General Manager, Brand and Corporate Communications, to talk how a government body like GAIL is driving purpose through content

Akansha Srivastava
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How many times does one see a public sector unit trying its hands on content marketing and branded content? It’s a rare situation. We mostly see online brands, startups or even brands targeting the youth going this way. But GAIL India is negating stereotypes around PSUs and launched a web series named ‘Hawa Badle Hassu’. The objective of the series is to convey the message that the company stands for the crusade against air pollution and environmental conservation.

Hawa Badle Hassu is an environmental sci-fi thriller web series launched on SonyLiv with a total of 40 minutes run time broken into four episodes. Each episode tackles crucial spaces and aspects pertaining to the environment (pollution).

The web series trailer:

The initiative is part of GAIL’s larger campaign ‘Hawa Badlo’ that it has been running for three years. Hawa Badlo encourages sustainable and environment-friendly lifestyle habits such as planting trees, cycling and walking, carpooling, using public transport, conserving energy and using cleaner energy sources such as natural gas for industries, CNG for automobiles and PNG for commercial uses.

GAIL is a strong believer in driving behavioural changes and the brand believes that content marketing helps them engage better with the audience.

Nalini Malhotra

Nalini Malhotra, Chief General Manager, Brand and Corporate Communications, GAIL, said, “We are a strong believer of impactful communications for a purposeful brand and content marketing is definitely a key driver. The moment you get into advertisement or advertorial, it tends to get pushy and preachy as far as messaging is concerned and in terms of media, it becomes intrusive because that is the very essence of advertising.”

She further said, “We believe a subject like this is best handled through content which the audiences can relate with and seek out for; we are looking for behavioural change and lifestyle change through this medium – and also shelf life.”

In the past also, the company has experimented with content for the campaign with initiatives on Mother’s day, which was a social experiment video, Kadvi Hawa Badlo – A short film’ or Hawa Badlo anthem ‘BringBackTheBlueSkies’.

Malhotra thinks that not a lot of brands have chosen the web series format for their purpose-driven initiatives, but GAIL has always been open to experimenting with various formats of content. She said, “We not only believe in content marketing but always strive to have innovation in our approach to content and platforms.”

GAIL being a strong believer of content driving brand purpose, it doesn’t let the core essence of any good storytelling lose with too much into face product placement into the script of any content.  It’s always a difficult choice for marketers to spend money and not keep the product in any of their marketing efforts. “Content marketing is about strategy and subtle brand messaging. If you have a placard at the audience’s face shouting out the brand – no one will watch it. It is on the face and intrusive. The purpose of content marketing is lost. You much rather like to take the advertising route in that case. The idea is to develop a message in a way that it compels the audience to connect with the brand and generate a natural and organic recall,” added Malhotra.

Giving an interesting example, Malhotra said that instead of forcing a child to gobble up arithmetic tables, you use aided and engaging learning such as Abacus, which helps in seamless learning and longer retention with engagement.

Explaining the ideation and insight process of the campaign and the web series, Malhotra said, “GAIL is in the business of a cleaner fuel, natural gas, which a solution for reducing air pollution. So, for us propagating the idea of HawaBadlo is actually directly linked to our business and at the same time we wanted the pertinent issue to be talked about and amplified to a larger audience.”

She went on saying, “Through Hawa Badle Hassu, we wanted to send across the message entirely through entertainment without making it preachy at all. Having said that, web series is still a longer format of storytelling. Introducing the characters, getting viewers acquainted with the conflict and therefore a resolution requires longer screen time. We had to be crisp yet not compromise on the character arc.”

Talking about the rationale behind choosing an OTT platform like SonyLiv for the web series, she said, “OTT was an obvious choice because it is an emerging medium and open to unique and innovative content. ‘Hawa Badle Hassu’ has four episodes of 10 minutes each. It’s experimental in nature. In India, mainstream web series production houses have also not attempted a mini-series like this. The concept is almost non-existent. We are the frontrunners of this format. TV is not open to this kind of format and YouTube is cluttered with all kinds of content. Our content needed a distinct platform and SonyLiv lapped up the idea to co-create the content instantly.”

The web series is extensively promoted through posters, teasers and a trailer, which is now playing on TV as well as theatres. The web series is being promoted digitally on YouTube and Facebook. The content is pushed through on-ground activation, city tours, outdoor and radio.

“The idea was to make this content as mainstream as possible. As an on-ground activation, we have a fleet of autorickshaws in Delhi that are activated ‘Hassus’ spreading the message of the environment to their passengers and it is a very visible campaign,” said Malhotra.

Content marketing is a new stream tried by the new age marketer. Not many government bodies are trying content marketing to reach out to consumers. How did GAIL happen to embark on its content marketing journey?

An elated Malhotra concluded, “We take that as a compliment. GAIL is the youngest Maharatna PSU. I understand people have pre-conceived notions about a PSU but if a PSU chooses to adopt an innovative route and push through a unique, innovative and impactful campaign, trust me there can be no better example to set.”

GAIL India Nalini Malhotra